Monday, April 12, 2010

Snapshot of my day? Listen to Me vs. the World by the Halo Friendlies.

I'm sick of people being P.O.'d at something and therefore being obnoxious & rude to me. Or maybe they're P.O.'d at me? If they are, maybe they should tell me? I'm not the kind of person that would flip out on them, I'd rather know if I'm doing something wrong so I could fix it (assuming it's a legitimate reason to be so irritated). 

I'm also sick of people whining to me. I'm perfectly happy to listen to your problems. Really. Doesn't bother me. Until you start whining incessantly about every, little thing and getting all b!tchy on me when I offer advice to help fix a problem, or when I don't offer advice at all -depending on how you are feeling at the moment.

Another I Hate Facebook rant:

I hate reading all of my MN friends' facebooks. It makes me feel so alone seeing that they have moved on in their lives, and that I don't understand all (meaning any) of the jokes plastered across their walls.  *sigh*

Oh, if anyone wants to join the world's coolest Facebook group, join "TRUE Harry Potter fans HATE the movies", but be sure to read the description BEFORE joining.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


So this is a draft post from before the last one that I never finished, but it basically works now too:

"I am not in the world's best mood today. Hence the change in the blog's colors. Maybe it's the crappy weather.

I'll post about WT some other time, I don't feel like getting my notebook. Ugh, I still have to finish writing sheets this weekend too. Great...

I finally got a facebook this Monday. I'm already regretting it. Why did I not have one previously? I didn't need one, I prefered email, they were pointless, and everyone else had them. All of those things remain true, even after getting one. I only got one to see everyone's pictures form work tour, and maybe reconnect with old friends in Minnesota. It was a bad choice. Picture-wise, I'm just reminded of how un-photogenic I am. Friend-wise? My best friend  is "in a relationship" as of yesterday,"

Alright, so its actually fairly nice out today. I am in a bad mood though. I keep snapping at everyone. 

Before I go on about today, I'm going to finish my train of thought about facebook.  About my best friend being in a relationship: we were always super close, and I love my friend, but she's a super genius. No joke, she's been doing college level math for a year already. But because of that, she's always been ahead of me in everything. Which always got irritating and I ignored it. And then i moved away and it still bugs me that all of my friends up there are ahead of me, because their district is a year ahead. Which, at least, makes me look super smart here. But it's just kind of stirring up old issues that should be left buried, you know? 

Back to today. I slept in, which was great. Since about 12:30 I've been outside painting a trellis, and some giant concrete planters, and then faux painting the planters to look old with my mother and one of my sisters.  It was fun, sort of. The planters look AMAZING. 

But while I was working on the planters, Tiery texted my asking if I wanted to walk to Noodles, & co. I got the text half an hour later, when I finished. I asked her if they had left yet and she said she wasn't going because something came up. I hate it when people give sketchy answers. And Tiery usually says she's babysitting or something (whether it's true or not) so I figured it wasn't true. Not a big deal, really, because I do the same thing if I don't feel like doing something. So I texted her and another friend half an hour later to see if they wanted to come over tonight and watch a movie. Tiery responded, again, that something had come up. Whatever, again, not a big deal. But then I go on facebook, and she had some post about hanging out with Laurey tonight. Really? Could she at least have the decency not to write about it?

I just need to get out of this place. I'm going insane. The people, the drama, the...just everything! This summer will be a blessing, but I'm dying to get to college and be on my own, able to do what I want, and to actually be working towards something, for once! I'm probably building it up to be way better than it is, but i don't care. I'm sick of this place.

Oh, that's another thing. About guys. I wish I could just know, right now, if I'm ever going to fall in love with someone and get married or whatever. Because if that is never going to happen, I could plan my life completely differently. Whatever, I don't feel like getting into it right now.

Another, very random, thing: I'm sick of this whole "it doesn't matter what size you are" crap. Not saying we should bully people because of weight, I have some good friends that have major weight issues, but I still love them. But, first off, this is America, and I unfortunately looks do matter. Secondly, why should we tell obese people, "oh, it's okay to be fat, size doesn't matter!" Reality check: it's not okay to be fat, it's suicide! Maybe if we said (nicely, of course) "It's not okay to be fat, let us help you loose weight" we could actually help people, instead of prolonging this "epidemic" of bad choices!

Monday, April 5, 2010


So. Today is Monday. Its not worth writing about anything before 4 today. Or, as a matter of fact, much of the stuff after 4 either. So I won't bother writing about it.

The one thing worth writing about today was work. I worked in the basement, which i love because I get to actually converse with the customers and, usually, put my not-quite-nine-years of Spanish to use. (one second- I need to put on glasses: my contacts are driving me crazy. Ok. So.) Today, around 5:30, I met a really interesting man. He was Mexican (yes, I know for a fact that he was actually from Mexico, I'm NOT being ignorant), older - probably in his fifties, around 5' 6"ish. Spoke pretty good english, but with a heavy but fairly understandable accent (sorry, I love accents)Black hair that hadn't quite yet turned gray, wrinkles. But he still seemed young. This man came down with a peachy-tinted creme jacket and skirt set, size 6. Note: for the dialogue, I'm going to write theater script-style: italics=my comments.  He said (roughly, I don't remember exact words, but its too confusing to write this another way)  standing off to the side, more speaking to himself than me "I'm considering this. I want to get it for my wife I'm not sure he meant wife-I'm thinking I misheard- you'll understand later but I'm not sure if it will fit... now actually talking too me Do you think it would fit? She's about your size, but not so thin thank you for the complement, it brightened my day , and she's more... she has more...  he kind of drifted off I'm assuming he was thinking something about her being wider or more busty- who knows? " --END OF DIALOGUE WEIRD STAGE WRITING-- I tried to answer the best I could but I wasn't quite sure. His description was kind of vague, don't you agree? It wouldn't fit me, because I honestly am skinny - I'm not bragging, it's just a fact. Anyway, he hung it up on the corner of a shelf-so it wouldn't wrinkle- and continued to shop. The man came back up, say, 10 or so minutes later with some stuff to leave on the counter, so he didn't have to carry it around. Among those items was a blue, glass, star of David- shaped candle holder -probably an inch high, 2 or 3 inches across. He set it on the counter, and began explaining (I hadn't asked about the object, i hadn't even noticed it) that he collected candle holders and that he had found many of them in our shop. I've never heard of someone collecting them before, its really a neat/unique (maybe?) idea/hobby. Then he half talked to me/ half talked to himself about the clothes again, mentioning that it cost $18, but it would cost so much more at another store, and it's a skirt and jacket. Then he mentioned osmething about a bag and sontinued shopping again. The third time he came up, about 1 minute later, he brought this bordering-on-tacky gold colored tree, with stars instead of leaves. It was made a wire and a plasticy shiny gold sort of paper(?)ish stuff. It was maye 10" tall, 10x8 wide/long. He made a comment about how much he liked it and set it on the counter and continued shopping. The last time he came up, he asked to see a 50 cent chef's knife in the knife window/ cabinet thing and started putting everything he was getting into a basket to carry upstairs. When he picked up the tree, he made a comment about how much he liked it again, and said he was going to put it on the table in his living room. Then he said (again, roughly) "You know, I am divorced twice. Both times I got very lucky. They were both really delicate-like you. But now I have this girlfriend, and she's white like you. That's why I want to get her this jacket. I want to go home to Mexico, but she say 'I don't speak Spanish'. She want to go to Poland, but I don't speak Polish. That's our only problem. I don't want to spend my whole life here in Chicago. The cold...  Poland is like here. I've lived here 27 year. I want to go home." Then he said a few more things about the outfit, and decided to go ask the people upstairs to see if they would know. And then he left. He was such an amazing guy. The way he spoke- when he said he was going to but the tree on the table, I could see it on  an end table, maybe on a white table cloth, with the light from the candles in his candle holders bouncing off the golden stars, emitting a warm glow... The way he spoke- and the look in his eyes... they looked so sad when he talked about home, and they glowed when talking about his girlfriend... I wish him luck, he seems like a good man.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


To add on to the last post, this last weekend I actually found shorts and stuff. I <3 Old Navy! Oh and I got this cute dress uber cheap at TJ Maxx.

Monday (or was it Sunday?) night my sister Emy (she's in 7th grade) and I worked on packing and stuff - well more like making an extremely detailed packing list and making sure I had everything. We also cut up 2 pairs of jeans. One was an old pair I've had since the begining of Freshman year and wore on last WT. They got paint all over them (which I LOVE, each color has a story) and then I tryed to splatter bleach them which worked a little too well. So Emy and I cut the into short capris and she graffited all over them with fabric markers. They are now SUPER cute! I can actually wear them now. The other pair were the jeans I got from Kohl's. We cut them into Bermuda shorts that fit the dress code (no on make shorts long enough for our dress code - the dress code is ridiculous!***) and distressed them a bit because they looked too stiff I guess, I don't know it thats the right word, bit the didn't look right. But now they fit the dress  code, and are amazing! Emy- you are so on your way to being a model/ fashion designer!

***Random side note: I actually almost got dress coded on the way to lunch on Friday! I know thats not something to get excited about, but I'm sick of wearing a halo all the time! I was wearing a skirt slightly shorter than the 3" above the knee dress code, and was stopped by Hank- the old security guard notorious for dress coding everyone. I told him I had checked to make sure it was long enough before school, and I wouldn't wear it again (yeah right, I love that skirt). He let me go.

Last night (Tuesday) I cut an old pair of flannel pants that are too short for any of us (meaning my sisters and I) into Pajama shorts, because the only spring/ summer bottoms I can sleep in are my soffee shorts, which I need to wear with my dress and/or suit and a pair of capri pj bottoms that you can see right through.

Tonight I might start actually packing. I have to sew a shirt for my sister Elle (short for Danielle) and aler some baggy t shirts for me to work in- I look ridiculous in baggy shirts. So I've got to get to work NOW!

BTW, 1 day, 21 hours, and 42 minutes!

Shorts, Snakes, & Shamrock Shakes

Thats what today was supposed to consist of. Tiery and I were going to go Work Tour shopping for shorts and rubber snakes for some pranks we planned. We've tried to do this the past few weekends, but it  hasn't worked out. So this morning we actually decided to go around 2:30. I

As of 3/17/10:

Sorry, I was interrupted and forgot to finish the post. Basically: I was P.O.'d because Tiery canceled on me again. But I called her after church the next day (Sunday, duh) and we ended up going shopping then. It was unsuccessful on the shorts part of the quest, as well as the snakes. We did find some fake cockroaches at the dollar store, which should be just as amusing.  We're thinking more about pranking Rachel though, instead of the guys as per our original plan. Rachel is an adult at our youth group, and very much disliked by all of the girls after she interrupted out Cosmo reading at Fall Retreat. She used to have Cosmo readings when she was part of the group, they used to do them in the freaking vans with adults and guys listening! Its not like the seniors are telling us how to ---- someone or anything! She just came in (we had actually finished the reading and were just sitting around playing Never Heve I Ever (which, by the way sucks when you haven't ever done anything exciting, risky, or even had an effing boyfriend!) and she just came in the room and stood there,  so we went all "omg, school is, like, so boring! hahaha!" (by the way, none of us talk like that normally). So now all of the girls hold a grudge against her. Tiery and I did get Shamrock Shakes though, because everyone at school was talking about getting them and we had no idea what they were. They were ok, not something I'd ever waste money on again. They have an odd taste, like mint and lime jello-like.

The school week after that was uneventful, except for a pre-Pi Day party in math (Pi day was Sunday).

Pi Day (Sunday):

*one second, got to go eat dinner. I will actually come back and finish this time!*

Sorry about that.

I taught Sunday school in the morning, though I had to leave for 15 minutes during the 10:30 service for the Work Tour send-off.

Later that night we were assigned our meal crew night and met with our groups to discuss food/themes. I am part of the Wednesday night group. We have an AMAZING group. The adults are Kinzel, Meghan... I can't remember the other two. In our group: Anna, one of the Hacklers, KK (yes!)... once again, can't remember who else - it's not my fault, we only met for half an hour! We have the TC dinner, so we don't have to worry about food. The TC dinner is in memory of a guy killed in a car crash that was a part of the youth group, and loved it. His parents always pay for us to have a dinner, which is usually catered, but this year Kinzel's going to Make TC's BBQ chicken. The themes we came up with (only the decent ones): Survivor (my idea), retirement home, WonDeland (Alice in Wonderland - we are staying in Deland, FL). We chose Retirement home, and had it all planned out, but Kinzel changed his mind and said we couldn't do it because it would be too close to mocking the place we are volunteering at, which is a home for the mentally and physically challenged. He's right, but it was disappointing. So our theme got dummed down to "Florida Vacation". Pathetic, right? Everyone -including adults- hate it, so with luck (cross your fingers for me! please!) we will change it on our meal crew day. What should we change it to? My vote is for Woodstock (idea courtesy of mi madre). It would be easy- we would all just have to buy tye-dye shirts or some other Hippie wear, buy tons of beads, borrow my friends iPod to blast music (I know she has a bunch of music from the bands that played there - I don't have the moola to buy them all). Decor would be easy to find too. Maybe we could even build a "stage" to serve from and some fake giant speakers out of boxes (you can get boxes free from many furniture store if you ask - we did once, to build the most epic fort ever outside one year (summer of '05 I think)). It would be awesome!

This week has been s o  f r e a k i n g  s  l  o  w  .   .   . Every time I see a Work tour person, or they see me, we always shout out how long we have left to wait. Right now it is 1 day, 22 hours, and 15 minutes away. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so close, but so far away. I have so many tests/ projects still this week. ugh.

So, yeah, that's life right now. I probably will past again either a) tomorow, screaming (meyaphorically, of course) something incomprehensible about Work Tour, or b) Tuesday after Work Tour so I can record what happened (this, again, will probably make no sense to a reader because it isn't worth trying to explain WT to someone who hasn't gone, and it would ruin the magic of it) WARNING: any posts for a while after WT might be affected by the severe case of PWTD (post-Work Tour Depression) that usually affects 90% of the group for up to a few months after WT and reoccurs sporatically throughout the year. I usually get a pretty bad case. This is no joke. It's not technically an official medical condition, but most people really do get severely depressed after coming home, crying and constantly texting, calling, emailing, etc. other people from the trip. Whatever though, it's hard to understand unless you've been.

By the way, 1 day, 22 hours, 8 minutes!

(can you tell I'm excited, by any chance?)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life continues

Saturday was the King of Hearts dance at my school. It's a Turnabout dance, so the girls ask the guys. Or, you skip alll the drama anhd go with friends. Thats what I did. We had a pre-party at Tiery's around 5, but I went over at 4 to help set up/ cook. We went to the dance at 7:30. It was so much fun. I didn't dance with anyone *tear tear*, but whatever...there's always homecoming. After the dance, I went to the Cheesecake Factory with a small group of friends. I got home around 12:30.

Sunday was awful. I had to get up early to teach sunday school. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching, but I was so tired. Then I came home and had to entertain my grandma J. Oh, and homework.

Yesterday was uneventful. School and work.

Today has been pretty bad. I'm sick, thanks to my sister who ignored the fact she was sick and contaminated everything. I slept in, which I needed. Other than that, I've been watching TV and reading. And carrying clorox wipes with me everywhere to disinfect everything I touch. That about it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just finished homework (sort of).... NEED SLEEP! ugh......